The Aisle KH The Aisle is a multi-faceted Wedding Eco-System in Hong Kong catering to industry vendors and consumers. Website Instagram Facebook WhatsApp The Aisle
The Aisle KT Our largest hub for the wedding industry to work together in Hong Kong’s second central business district. HK Website Instagram Facebook WhatsApp The Aisle
Others The Aisle Shop The Aisle Shop is a online wedding platform located in Hong Kong. HK Website Instagram WhatsApp The Aisle
Wedding MC Wedding MC Dickson 利用多年豐富嘅專業婚宴司儀經驗,為每一對新人度身訂造最合適嘅流程,將新人於晚宴上嘅煩惱減到最少外,令新郎新娘能夠完全享受其中👰🏻♀️🤵🏻♂️ Instagram Facebook WhatsApp